Lake Garfield Working Group August Meeting
The Lake Garfield Working Group held their monthly meeting remotely on August 11. On the agenda was a review of the bid process including the timeline for submission, review, and acceptance of potential contracts for the completion of the next phase of milfoil removal through diver assisted suction harvesting, which should happen sometime in September before the water becomes too cold for diving.
Dennis Lynch gave an update on the progress of the grant application that has been submitted to the MassachusettsDepartment of Environmental Protection with the support of both the Town ofMonterey and the Friends of Lake Garfield association. The intention of the grant is to protect and enhance the water quality ofLake Garfield through different methods of reducing surface water nutrients from reaching the lake.
The last item was an update on the monitoring of cyanobacteria by Shannon Poulin in several south county lakes. A motion was made to invite Shannon to our next LGWG meeting to present her finding sand answer questions about the process.
This meeting will be held remotely onMonday, September 14, at 7 p.m. Contact instructions and further details will be posted on the Monterey town website(, under “Boards/LakeGarfield Working Group). All interested parties are encouraged to attend.
— Steve SnyderChair, LGWG