Lake Usage Safety Issues
Sometimes the Friends of Lake Garfield receives communication from people asking about safety issues on Lake Garfield. These include swimming, the use of jet skis, complaints about shoreline erosion caused by large boat wakes and potential accidents between open water swimmers and boats. Please note that FLG and LGWG have no jurisdiction or authority to monitor swimming or boating safety on the lake. Lake Garfield is a public lake regulated by the rules and regulations of the state Department of Conservation and Recreation. The FLG encourages all boat owners and swimmers to use common sense and use extreme caution to avoid any tragedies on the lake and be respectful of what we can do to prevent erosion on lakefront property. Keep in mind that swimming is prohibited within a public access facility (the boat ramp) by the state.
Let’s all do our part to help continue to maintain the health of Lake Garfield, this slice of heaven on earth, both through our actions and financial support.
— The Friends of Lake Garfield and the Lake Garfield Working Group