Lake Garfield Working Group Milfoil, Grants, and Testing
The Lake Garfield Working Group (LGWG) held its monthly meeting at the town hall on Monday evening, May 20. On the agenda was discussion concerning the details and options for the use of the $30,000 appropriated at the recent town meeting for continuing the work of invasive weed mitigation through diver-assisted suction harvesting. It was noted that this work will require a renewal of approval by the conservation commission. The LGWG will assist in forwarding the necessary documentation in time for work to begin this summer.
Members of LGWG also committed to facilitating the renewal of a notice of intent (NOI) to the conservation commission, enabling property owners to continue hand pulling weeds or to use benthic barriers on their own lake frontage.
An update was given on the Mass DEP 319 grant application to mitigate surface water runoff into the lake. LGWG member Dennis Lynch, who worked many hours in preparing for the application for this $100,000 matching grant, revealed that the timing of town budgeting and the state granting process had precluded a successful application for the grant in this coming fiscal year.
The issue of sharing LGWG and other lake-related information was discussed, including how to improve access via the recently revised town website.
Lastly LGWG member Michael Germain reported that the Friends of Lake Garfield (FLG) and the LGWG will start regular testing for cyanobacteria in Lake Garfield and Lake Buel. Samples will be sent to the EPA. Also, through the hiring of a local student and the purchase of a flourometer by the FLG, real-time testing will be conducted weekly through the summer, with results to be posted on the FLG website.
The next LGWG meeting will be held Monday, July 17, at 7:30 p.m., in the town hall. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. — Steve Snyder Chair, LGWG